Course Schedule
Course available in two locations.
Neythal Road
Shan Road
Available seats (0)Location: Neythal Road
28 Jul 2024 (8.00 am - 5.30 pm)04 Aug 2024 (8.00 am - 5.30 pm)11 Aug 2024 (8.00 am - 5.30 pm)
Available seats (8)Location: Shan Road
28 Jul 2024 (8:30 AM - 5:30 PM)04 Aug 2024 (8:00 AM - 5:30 PM)11 Aug 2024 (8:00 AM - 1:15 PM)

Course Overview
This course has been designed to meet the minimum standard for Working at Height Training for Supervisors, Assessors or Managers in Singapore, as recommended in the WSH (Work at Heights) Regulations 2013 and the Approved Code of Practice for Working Safely At Height (2011).

At end of the Course, Participants will acquire good knowledge & skill in:


  • Identify, explain and apply the relevant Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Legislations / Approved Code of Practice / Singapore Standards applicable to Work-at-Heights (WAH)
  • Identify and explain the Roles & responsibilities of stakeholders, competent and responsible persons
  • Identify hazards, evaluate the risk, and implement control measures for WAH activities
  • Review the necessary fall preventive / protective control measures for safe execution of WAH activities
  • Establish and implement a system for an effective monitoring and control of WAH risks
  • Demonstrate competency in donning, checking and correcting of individual Fall Protection Equipment and responding to a fall emergency.

Course Outline

  • Legal requirements, Approved Code of Practice and Standards for WAH
  • Roles and Responsibilities of various stakeholders
  • Risk Management
  • Fall control measures
  • Fall prevention plan (FPP)
  • WAH Implementation and Monitoring Programme
  • Individual Fall Protection equipment and first line Response in emergency
Target Audience Entry Requirements Assumed Skills & Knowledge
The course is for anyone involved in the supervision, planning / assessment or management of work at height activities.


Must be over 18 years of age Singapore citizen, permanent resident or holder of valid employment pass / work permit. Must by physically and mentally fit for the training. Participants are requiring to wear their Safety Boots for the practical Performance. The learner should have at least WSQ ESS Workplace Literacy and Numeracy Level 4 and above or equivalent


Course Details

Course Duration: 20.5 Hours include of 5 hour assessment

Day Class: 2.5 full days / 3 Sundays (08.30am to 6.30pm)

Evening Class: 5 Evenings (06:00pm to 10:00pm)

Course Attendance Record: 100% attendance

Methodology Assessment
Classroom Lectures, Demonstrational & Practical Performance -35 Multiple choice Question-Choose 2 out of 5 scenario based Question

-Practical Assessment/Demonstration of skills by Individual


Results will be released within 1 week after course ends. Upon successful completion of the course, a Safety Pass and Certificate of Achievement endorse by Fonda Global Engineering Pte ltd will be issued to all eligible participants.

Course Fee

Course Fee With GST
Price Per Pax S$ 407.50


Fonda Global Engineering Pte Ltd

No. 45, Sungei Kadut Loop Singapore: 729495

Tel: 6515 5775 Fax: 6278 7359
