Course Schedule
Course available in two locations.
Neythal Road
Shan Road
Available seats (11)Location: Shan Road
08 Aug 2024 (8.30AM - 12.30PM)
Available seats (15)Location: Shan Road
29 Aug 2024 (8.30AM - 12.30PM)


Fonda Global Engineering Pte Ltd is recognised by the Commissioner for Workplace Safety and Health, Ministry of Manpower, as an Accredited Assessment Provider to conduct recertification assessment for Construction Safety Orientation Course (CSOC) for Workers.

Target Audience and Entry Requirements

Existing certified personnel who would like to be recertified.
Candidate must be a Singaporean, PR or foreigner with a valid work permit.
Candidate must have a valid CSOC pass and must not have failed the recertification assessment or full course.

Course Details

Medium of Instruction: Bengali

Duration: Written Assessment 1 hour + Practical Assessment 3 hours

Pass Criteria: 40 MCQs 60% + Practical Performance 100%


Safety Pass and Certificate of Achievement will be issued to every candidate who has successfully pass the recertification assessment.

Course Fee

Course Fee With GST
Price Per Pax S$ 81.50


Important Note:

Candidates who have failed the CSOC Recertification Assessment are not allowed to retake the recertification assessment.

They have to enroll for the full course – WSQ Apply Workplace Safety and Health in Construction Sites.

For further information you may contact us

Fonda Global Engineering Pte Ltd

No. 45, Sungei Kadut Loop Singapore: 729495

Tel: 6515 5775 Fax: 6278 7359     Website: